How to do a Wheelie on a Quad

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to do a wheelie on a quad, this is the post for you. There are also some tips that could help make your experience more enjoyable!

What is a Wheelie?

A wheelie is when the front end of a vehicle, usually a motorcycle or quad, is in the air with the back tire doing most of the work.  It may be frustrating if you are just beginning to learn how to do it, but don’t get frustrated! Practice makes perfect!

What Causes a Wheelie on a Quad?

When accelerating rapidly while turning around, your back tire will lift off of the ground as your weight shifts forward. The faster you go and the more you turn, the higher up it will go. However, if you haven’t practiced enough beforehand it can result in a crash (trust me!).   If you want to practice without risking crashing and damaging property or equipment I recommend either using an open grass space or going on a dirt road and practice where the back tire only lifts an inch off of the ground.

What Are The Risks?

If you do not have enough experience before trying this stunt, you will likely crash your quad. This could cause minor personal injuries such as skinned knuckles or bruised ribs.  If there is another person with you when attempting to do a wheelie they might also be seriously injured by falling down from your quad.  Another risk that comes with doing a wheelie on any vehicle is it puts more weight directly over one set of tires, which causes them to wear out faster than usual (and makes bad traction due to uneven wear). It also makes the whole vehicle harder to control and more unstable.

Can the Technique for Doing a Wheelie on a Quad be Applied to Dirt Bikes as well?

Absolutely, popping a wheelie on a quad translates pretty smoothly to doing the same on a dirt bike. It’s all about keeping that perfect balance and knowing how to play with the gas, skills that let anyone pull off cool dirt bike stunts like wheelies, just as if they were on a quad bike.

How to Do a Wheelie on a Quad? Is it Hard?

The benefits of doing a wheelie are not just limited to feeling adrenaline or looking cool- they can actually be beneficial in other ways too. For example, by practicing balancing skills on one wheel it becomes easier to balance yourself while standing up and walking around with crutches after an injury or surgery.  Doing a wheelie may also be therapeutic because it provides stimulation for many senses at once: stress from the physical act itself can cause endorphins to be released in the brain, and a person may also experience visual stimulation and air rushing by their ears.

Method 1

The first step to learning how to do a wheelie on a quad is knowing your equipment. You will obviously need a four-wheeled ATV with working brakes, but other than that it does not matter what kind of vehicle you have as long as it has an engine!  If you are worried about safety or reliability issues, consider buying new gear before attempting this stunt for the first time. Some inexpensive ATV accessories can make your practice runs go more smoothly if things don’t always work just right the first time- look into them! There are two basic ways to approach learning how to do a wheelie on a quad. The first is by starting out on a low-traffic, stable surface with very little traffic around you in case something does not go as planned.  When trying to learn how to do a wheelie on a quad it can be helpful to wear long sleeves and pants so that no skin is exposed should you fall. It can also be helpful to have support holding up the back of your ATV if possible, or even sitting directly behind you for added stability (that’s why the buddy system works at all times).  On flat surfaces, practice keeping your weight centered over the machine while fighting off the urge to accelerate too quickly when approaching 5 mph. You may start with very small movements or short distances, but make sure that you can stay balanced at that speed for a few seconds before moving on.  This will help you get used to the feel and timing of your engine, and how it reacts when something like a change in acceleration is required during a wheelie.

Method 2

The second way to try learning how to do a wheelie on a quad is by going straight to larger or more difficult terrains – this takes guts but can be useful if you are accustomed to much smaller vehicles with less power.  If you choose this approach, make sure that someone knows where you are and what route you plan on taking! Some knowledge about the terrain ahead can also prevent any accidents from happening- know if there is any wildlife nearby (especially horses) or small children playing who could be startled by your movements.  Whether you learned the basics on a flat surface or tried it out for the first time in rougher areas, you should be able to stay balanced at about 5 mph if you are doing it right.  Once up to speed and standing up straight with both feet on the ground over the wheel, slowly let off of the gas while simultaneously using one hand (holding onto your handlebars) to lean back slightly- this is an important part of how to do a wheelie on a quad, so practice doing it before trying!  You may notice that leaning forward when accelerating causes you to fall because gravity pulls down more than normal, so remember not to lean too far back as well!  If possible, hold onto something steady next to your body and let go of the handlebars entirely, keeping your knees bent slightly and leaning back like before- point your toes downward for more stability while riding in this position.  Finally, when you are certain that you have had enough fun or reached a good stopping speed, take hold of the bars again and gradually start to pull forward.  This should bring you right back down to an upright position with both feet firmly planted on the ground and the front tire balancing above as if on its own. If necessary, lift gently on one side or the other to help get things lined up properly!

How to Do a Wheelie on a Quad – Conclusion 

This is just a basic guide about how to do a wheelie on a quad, but it is by no means exhaustive! Every ATV has different acceleration speeds depending on the size, gearing, and quality of the engine, so take the time to know your own equipment before trying something like this.  Watch others to see how they do it as well- there are many different styles and tricks out there for pulling off a smooth wheelie on a quad!